National Aviation Academy
The National Aviation Academy was established in 1992 as the "National Aviation Centre". In 1994, the National Aviation Centre was renamed the National Aviation Academy.
Since 1996, the National Aviation Academy is headed by Mr. Arif Mir Jalal Pashayev, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, full member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).
Today, the National Aviation Academy (NAA) of “Azerbaijan Airlines” («AZAL») is a higher education institution that provides highly qualified specialists meeting the international requirements of the strategically important Aerospace Sector of Azerbaijan, including Civil Aviation and a number of other areas.
The activities undertaken by the National Aviation Academy are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" and "On Aviation", decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders, instructions, resolutions, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Aviation Regulations (AAR), orders, instructions and orders of the AZAL CJSC president, charters of the National Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions Model Charte. Along with this, in its activities, the National Aviation Academy is guided by the rules, standards, recommendations and procedures adopted by ICAO, SAC as well as international civil aviation organizations, of which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a member, and the obligations arising from the Working Agreement concluded with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Academy infrastructure
- A complex consisting of 5 educational and laboratory buildings
- Training Center and training complex within it
- Elm-İstehsalat Birliyi
- Student House of Creativity
- Campus
- Tələbə Tədris Mərkəzi
- Student park
- Aviasiya Tarixi Muzeyi
- Library information department
- Sports complex
- Fitness hall
- Hotel «Academy»
- Beauty saloon
- Canteen, cafe, first-aid post, catering, service, recreation centres, markets, parking area, etc.
The NAA educational infrastructure
- Education Department
- Department of Master's and Doctoral Studies
- 6 faculties
- 23 departments
- Uçuş aparatlarının işlənib hazırlanması laboratoriyası

The NAA Specialties:
On the Bachelor’s degree:
On the Master's degree:
On the Doctor Studies:
The main directions of training in obtaining higher professional education at the NAA are provided here in below:
- • Training of pilots in flight operation of modern aircraft and helicopters,
- • Air traffic controllers and air navigation engineers,
- • Engineers for the design, production, testing and operation of aerospace equipment, aircraft and rocket engines, technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engines, avionics and control systems,
- • Engineers for electronics, radio engineering, telecommunications, aerospace devices,
- • Engineers for aerospace monitoring, hydrometeorology, ecology,
- • Engineers for aerospace information technology, programming, automated flight control systems,
- • Management of passenger and freight traffic, operation of airports, terminals, logistics centers consists in training specialists to ensure the transport system safety.