Ecological Engineering

The specialty of Environmental Engineering – 050606 provides for the training of specialists in environmental protection with modern methods, means and approaches, identification and neutralization of pollution sources, analysis of the harmful effects of industry on the human body and the environment, research and forecast of global warming and its causes, assessment of impact of ecological processes on the environment through mathematical models, physical observations and measurements.

At the National Aviation Academy, Bachelor's degree as part of the specialty of Environmental Engineering – 050606 is carried out in two directions:

  • environmental protection and efficient consumption of natural resources;
  • application of modern physical, mathematical and aerospace methods in solving environmental problems.

The curriculum of the specialty of Environmental Engineering – 050606 includes modern requirements for specialists working in environmental protection, efficient consumption of natural resources, ecological monitoring using aerospace and physical methods, modeling, analysis and forecasting of mathematical processes, and other areas. and environmental protection. The requirements for specialists were taken into account when developing this curriculum, which is based on the experience of leading scientific and educational centers, ministries, committees and societies, institutions and companies in the field of ecology, aerospace monitoring, environmental chemistry, natural resources and environmental protection.

The normative training term for the specialty Environmental Engineering – 050606 is 4 years for the Bachelor degree students of the Azerbaijani and Russian departments.

050606 - Students specializing in Environmental Engineering are provided the knowledge stated below

In the field of environmental protection and the efficient consumption of natural resources
  • fundamental knowledge in advanced mathematics, physics and chemistry
  • computational and numerical methods
  • basic elements of mathematical statistics, statistical analysis
  • automatic design system
  • as well as the interaction between living organisms and the environment, habitat and environmental factors, laws, principles and regulations
  • main sources of environmental pollution, integrated water resources management
  • environmental expertise, identification of audit and certification areas
  • assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment
  • waste-free production and recycling, characteristics of industrial waste, treatment facilities
  • work on irrigation and revegetation, climate change and global warming processes
  • mathematical modeling of environmental processes, technology for working with programs
  • physical basis for advanced geodesy and photogrammetry, remote sensing, and other disciplines
In the field of the application of aerospace methods in solving environmental problems
  • fundamental knowledge in advanced mathematics, physics and chemistry
  • computational and numerical methods
  • programming
  • measurement and photogrammetry on the Earth's surface
  • spectral characteristics of natural objects and coefficient of brightness
  • spectral reflectivity of water bodies
  • radiation characteristics of vegetation
  • geographic information systems (GIS)
  • methods and systems for remote sensing of the Earth
  • orbital parameters of artificial satellites of the Earth and the theory of rotation of the Earth
  • radar technology, aerospace information and telecommunication systems
  • digital interface system, software modules of aerospace information, image recognition on satellite images
  • radar imaging, processing procedures, and other disciplines

Students of the specialty of Environmental Engineering will have the opportunity during their studies to gain experience at the National Aviation Academy, "Azerbaijan Hava Yollari" CJSC, structural divisions of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, National Aerospace Agency, Azerkosmos OJSC, as well as various departments, enterprises and organizations.

Graduates who successfully completed the curriculum, owing to the acquired professional competencies will deal with issues of environmental protection, introduction and use of modern methods in solving environmental problems, technologies for effective analysis and processing of waste-water treatment networks, land restoration, formation of mathematical models of ecological and natural processes based on statistical data, application of GIS technologies in the implementation of various ecological and protection activities, development of environmental and aerospace methods to increase production in agriculture, building of a recycling system and waste management, designing, in accordance with the laws of environmental expertise, aerospace and ecological monitoring, collection and processing of ground and satellite images, as well as a number of other issues.

Graduates, who have successfully completed this specialty, one with a wide engineering profile, will have the opportunity to work in various fields, including ecology and environmental protection, transport management, creation and operation of energy systems and renewable energy sources, oil and gas and chemical industries, waste management and production, agriculture, farmimg, land protection, will have the opportunity to work in high engineering positions and professions, including forecasting and management of emergency situations, aerospace research, in the institution dealing with the processing of space images, in a number of ministries, committees, societies and companies.

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*The rules of admission to the Bachelor's level can be found here.