Electrical Engineering

The specialty of Electrical Engineering – 050607 includes training of specialists in all areas of industry, including projecting, manufacture and maintenance of power supply systems, industrial, electrical and electronic equipment, electronic devices in civil aviation.

The Bachelor degree in this specialty is carried out in 2 directions - electrical and electronic engineering. The curriculum of this specialty is developed in accordance with the syllabus of the corresponding specialties of the leading universities in Germany, America, Russia and Turkey.

As a result of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students specializing in Electrical Engineering, they are formed as highly qualified specialists in projecting and manufacture of modern power plants, power supply systems of industrial enterprises, as well as projecting, manufacture and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment in all industries.

050607 - Students specializing in Electrical Engineering and Electronics are provided the knowledge stated below

In the field of Electricity
  • fundamental knowledge in advanced mathematics and physics
  • computer technology and programming
  • engineering and computer graphics
  • the theory of electrical circuits, electric machines
  • analog electronics, digital electronics and programmable integrated circuits
  • power electronics and electrical integral
  • signals and systems, manufacture, transmission and distribution of electricity
  • electrical and electronic devices, high voltage technology
  • electrical equipment design, electrical integral control system, operation and diagnostics of electrical equipment
  • programmable logic controllers, installation and operation of electrical networks, and other disciplines
In the field of Electronics
  • fundamental knowledge in advanced mathematics and physics
  • computer technology and programming
  • engineering and computer graphics
  • the theory of electrical circuits, electric machines
  • analog electronics, digital electronics and programmable integrated circuits
  • power electronics and electrical integral, signals and systems, super-high frequency electronic and quantum devices
  • transmission of discrete data, digital signal processing, design of electronic devices
  • fundamentals of circuit engineering, diagnostics and reliability of electronic devices
  • power supply devices, impulse devices
  • fiber-optic connection lines, and other disciplines

Graduates who have successfully completed the curriculum, owing to the acquired professional competencies, will be engaged in the design and manufacture of modern power plants, power supply systems for industrial enterprises, as well as the design and manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, manufacture technologies and maintenance.

Graduates, who have successfully completed this broad engineering specialty, in addition to aviation and rocket and space technology will have an opportunity to work in leadership positions and professions as design engineers, mechanical engineers, electronic engineers and software engineers at enterprises and companies of various purposes, including transport, energy, oil and gas industry, manufacture of machinery and electronics for general and special purposes, operation of power gas turbine plants and complex electronic control systems.

*The rules of admission to the Bachelor's level can be found here.